Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tofurkey Sandwich

            Before this project, I subscribed to the belief – which I think is common to many meat-eaters – that soy-based “meats” are inherently gross and/or utterly inadequate substitutes, even without having ever tasted any. When I saw some deli-style tofurky slices in the campus market, I realized I had never tasted it and that I ought to if I was to pass judgment on it. So, for lunch today, I decided to make a sandwich using this meat substitute.
            Now, my sandwiches are notoriously packed with ingredients. Since I didn’t want to miss the taste of the tofurky amidst all these others, I first ate a piece plain. I was presently surprised to find it a pretty satisfactory imitation. There is something mildly disconcerting about the experience of eating soy and tasting turkey, but the flavor is convincing enough that I was able to commit myself to the illusion. I then joined it with many of my favorite sandwich ingredients: mayonnaise, cheddar, avocado, tomato, and lettuce, with a few drops of peri peri hot sauce.
            The result was a quite delicious sandwich. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the soy aftertaste that had betrayed the nature of the “turkey” was masked, and I really could have been eating a turkey sandwich. Even the texture is pretty accurate, which is truly a mysterious miracle of culinary engineering. I have to say, tofurky far exceeded my expectations.
            Given that this “turkey” carries with it none of the injustices and energetic efficiency of industrial turkey production, I am now thinking my days of deli turkey may be behind me. I honestly don’t think I enjoyed my tofurky sandwich any less than I do a regular turkey sandwich. So, to those who are like I was, I suggest you taste this food before evaluating it. If someone is able to taste its non-turkeyness and is bothered by it, they need not eat it, but for those who cannot tell the difference, don’t be a turkey! Choose the one that is better for the environment.

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